Hey, so transfers are in 2 weeks, eke!!! I feel like I say that every week, but I think that that is really the only dramatic change as missionaries we experience so it is the most talked about. I keep getting the dreaded "So Sister Coleman. You have been in Harlem for 5 cycles now..." blah, blah, blah! Haha, they are trying to kick me out of here. Im hoping its not until my mission life is over so I guess I could say, "over my mission dead body!" oh missionary jargon! (Not speaking in terms of real death of course but come the end of the mission we "die", or are released from the calling.) I will not be mad though if I do get transferred, I will however be sad! And so it is...
Anyways, this past week was Easter; such a conclusion to a great week of religious appreciation and learning! I think it was because so many things clicked for me. The entire week was so great! As I explained in the previous post, Sunday was the the commencement of Jesus' final week. Lazareth Saturday and Palm Sunday, all these amazing events to commemorate the Savior were celebrated in their own way. Then on the next Saturday, taking focus completely away from the Savior for most, but drawing near to Him for the Latter-Day Saints, our ward missionary council conducted a Passover Seder. In the Jewish community this is a feast that marks the beginning of the Passover Holiday, it was such an experience. Jen, who is a chef in our ward (hehe, needless to say we're besties!), made traditional kosher foods and conducted the rituals that follow their traditions. It was amazingly authentic and even made the Jewish newspaper in town which was cool. But by far the most amazing thing was seeing the Catholic churches in the neighborhood display their Good Friday Celebration. I have never seen such a sight, and being on the 17th floor, surrounded by 3 cathedrals we got to see quite a bit. All in all though, the best was observing the Sabbath in our Easter Program this past Sunday. It was such a great service. The musical numbers and talks were so sincere and really brought the spirit. The thing that I loved most was the knowledge of the resurrection. I dont know that I honestly considered what happened when the Savior was raised from the dead. He obtained new life, celestial, perfected and complete.
His work was finished and at that time he came again to minister to the people their eternal destiny when the time too would come for them. He was there in the flesh. People could touch his hands, feet and side and feel the scars of the weight in which he carried for all of us. I was taken aback a little by the reality of it all. I think the line in a hymn that describes it best is "Oh it is wonderful that he would care for me enough to die for me. Oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me." I cannot repay the Lord for what he did on my account. I can only do what I can to prove myself worthy for such a sacrifice and I am thankful for the opportunity. There is such joy in this work! I love the word joy because it describes something that cannot easily be received. It is a word that is more internal than happy and in some cases doesn't involve that word when used. It is a feeling and a knowledge above that that can be obtained by worldly things. I have such joy in this work and learning that is this mission.
I am so thankful for the time I have out here. The weather is warming up and the trees are green again! So beautiful. Well, its time to go to work! And so it is...
Oh PS! Thanks Cubs in the ward for the Easter basket/box!!! You are the best :) Thanks everyone, Love you love you!
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