So a couple of weekends ago was Conference weekend! How did everyone like it?!
It was amazing! And of course I would say that because I am a missionary but in the same breath it really was so beneficial, as it always is! I think the one thing that I came away with that I am going to share is the concept that Elder Holland spoke about in one of the concluding talks of the conference Sunday evening. He said that so much is covered during Conference, things that one would say aren't applicable to them or that have little to no matter to them because maybe their problems are minuscule or obscure. But then he explained that it is ok if not all the topics of Conference directly relate to you because the reality is, not everyone has problems with pornography or debt or receiving revelation. He said a couple of things that were so cool: 1. They have an obligation to address all of the world about issues that are alarming and bring us away from the Spirit, whether they are applicable to the individual or not, and 2. That they are lead to teach by the Spirit which has the ablitiy to teach us the things we need to know, if not by their words then by its edifying power. I love this! I was reading the book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon when he was in the temple addressing his people and he said exactly that. In chapter 2 he apologizes to those who were looking "to hear the pleasing word of God," but then explains that he is, to his displeasure, commanded to address weighter issues.
I guess the idea here is to have patience. As we have all felt the loving patience of a parent or friend, Jesus Christ our Savior has the utmost patience with us. He sits and waits, with his arms stretched out still. He calls us through his loyal servants to come unto Him and let Him bear with us our burdens. I am always so touched to know how much the Creator knows us His children. How he will guide us if we seek earnestly for His counsel. It is such an amazing thing! Of course there was so much more to take away from a weekend of Conference but ultimately this is what touched my heart.
In other news, this last week we had the opportunity to address some of the more frivolous issues pertaining to the Book of Mormon...Musical that is. Yes, the Book of Mormon musical is playing here in Manhattan and has been the best thing since sliced bread. Not that I have seen it of course, but we do hear all about it when people come up to us and ask if we are REAL Mormon missionaries. Haha! It is so funny. We had the chance to attend an activity on Columbia University campus hosted by the LDSSA, where through a quiz that was readily made available to test the LDS doctrinal knowledge of the average Ivy League attendee we could troubleshoot some of the most misconceived topics involving Latter-Day Saints.
It was such a great time! We got to teach so many people and let them know that we are out there, not polygamist or in most cases radically extreme. The results were awesome, many people came away from this event knowing more truth about the Church than the crazy shenanigans that have been spread through the media. We introduced them to LDS students on campus and showed them that paints more realist views of the LDS community. All in all it was a great expereince.
As always is said, life out on the mission is going well! I am enjoying my time bearing my testimony and building it up in the process. I love this calling and I love all of you. Thank you for all the support and well wishes! I just love you love you! And so it is..
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