It has just been a crazy week! I don't know that I have ever been so stressed for no apparent reason than I had this week. It was amazing though to say the least.
Last Sunday Sister Fuimaono and I were asked to teach FHE the following day. I just love being a missionary because of this specific reason; whenever someone forgets to prepare a talk or a lesson the first action of refuge is to ask a missionary, haha! Love it! Nonetheless, we woke up Monday morning and the first thing I told Sister Fui was "I'm prompted to teach the Haka for FHE, aka I'm prompted that YOU should teach the Haka for FHE." She is such a champion, and absolutely one who hates to be put on the spot, but I assured her the lesson that would accompany it would be just right for the occasion. Long story short "putting on the armor of God and preparing ourselves for spiritual battle (Alma 53:20-21, Deut 31:6, 2 Tim 2:3, and the hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers")" is what we taught, super appropriate right?! We ended the lesson with refreshments of "Pineapple Spritzers" (pineapple juice, Sprite and coconut ice cream) to set the island feel and ended with everyone preparing for battle. It was so fun! I wish you could see the video of the ward members pumped and doing as the Maori do...well, maybe in a year or so :)
Anyways the reason for the stress I suppose was the highly anticipated baptism of lovely Danilda. It was such a dream come true helping her prepare for her "pool party" as she like to call it. I don't know that I have witnessed someone as happy as she was for a long time now. It was so great to teach her and prepare her to enter the waters of baptism. What a blessing! The service was awesome, where the program was full of love and support from the missionaries and the ward members. We had a great group who attended and participated in the program; her sister and a couple of her friends were there for support, Sister Fui and Elder Kafu sang a special musical number of "Come Thou Fount", I spoke on Baptism, her new Home Teacher spoke on The Holy Ghost, and she was baptized by Elder Rossell. What a great day, a huge feast was also prepared by her family for after the service. We ate delicious Dominican food in celebration of the wonderful decision that Danilda was making. The next day of course she was set apart as a member of the Church and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Ugh! I wish everyone could have been there, there was such a great spirit.
It has just been a great week, full of excitement and all the other great emotions that come along with being a missionary in New York City. The more and more I think about it I dont know that I could have served a mission anywhere else. The work here is so specific to me that I almost feel selfish. I guess that is just another testimony that I have that the Lord knows us best. What an opportunity and a blessing it is! Sometimes we just have to let "Jesus Take the Wheel", haha! I never thought I would quote that song but at the same time it is doing this that helps us reach our full potential. The only thing that the Lord doesn't possess is our will, therefore it is up to us to make that happen. When we do finally "give in" to Him we see that we reach so much higher than we could ever on our own. Im trying :) and everyday that I do I see more and more what the Lord has in store for me. I love this work, I love this Gospel! I mostly love all of you... Instead of ending the way I usually do, I'll let Nephi do it for me " But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is...(1 Nep 9:6)"
Love you love you!